On this page you can find some websites i programmed.
Most of these need Javascript to be displayed correctly. So be sure to switch it on before you visit.
dakapo is a design agency based in Düsseldorf with a lot of well-known clients.
I am responsible for the modern touch of the page.
design by dakapo
E.Z. Design
For the young designer Elisabeth Zaruba I programmed this interesting one-page-website which shows her portfolio.
The website has an animated xy-scroll-effect and custom carousel-galleries.
design by Elisabeth Zaruba
Sign and Meme
Sign and Meme is the ambitious project of a designer with an eye for photography.
The modern website has innovative gallery controls.
design by Sign and Meme
Gautsche Design
Marie Christin Gautsche is another young designer.
Her works are presented with a parallax-effect.
design by Marie Christin Gautsche
Gerald Gross is an experienced copywriter.
His page is simple and clear with a friendly design.
design by dakapo
Izure was my first serious website-project since HTML5 and CSS3 came out.
The website is full of beautiful graphics and two little games.
if i find the time, i will upload it.
design by Izure