The PixelGrid Object divides a HTML-canvas element into large pixels which can be colorized and turned on and off.
By creating an PixelGridImage, the Plugin can be used to pixelize pictures without antialiasing and display them on the canvas.
PixelGridSpriteImage extends the PixelGridImage by defining a sprite size and methods to show particular sprites from the spritesheet.
PixelGridImageGallery takes an array of image-sources and uses a PixelGridSpriteImage to display them with an animated fading effect.
PixelGrid is still very experimental and it's too early to provide a reference for PixelGrid.
Download the pixelgrid.js file and put it to any directory.
Include the file in your document.
The plugin will create the global variable pixelgrid on the window-object.
var pxg = pixelgrid.createPixelGrid( "pixelgrid_demo-simple", {w:10, h:5} ); var pixels = pxg.pixels; for(var x = 0; x < pixels.length; x++){ for(var y = 0; y < pixels[x].length; y++){ pixels[x][y].color = (x % 2 === y % 2) ? '#eeff99' : '#99eeff'; } } pxg.draw();
with resolution-setter
var pxg = pixelgrid.createPixelGridImage( "js/pixelgrid/sprites/park.jpg", "pixelgrid_demo2", {w:10, h:5} ); var res_setter = document.getElementById("res_setter"); res_setter.addEventListener('change', function(){ pxgi.grid.setRes({ w: this.value*2, h: this.value }); pxg.putImage(); });
Alpha map
on a PixelGridImage
var img = new Image(); img.src= 'js/pixelgrid/sprites/pixelgridlogoalpha2.jpg'; var pxg = pixelgrid.createPixelGridImage( "js/pixelgrid/sprites/rauschen.jpg", "pixelgrid_demo", {w:30, h:15}, function(){ pxg.sectionSize = {w:200,h:100}; pxg.grid.putImageData(img, 0,0,400,200,true); } );
var pxg = pixelgrid.createPixelGridSpriteImage( "js/pixelgrid/sprites/ea.png", "pixelgrid_demo3", {w:24, h:33}, false, {w:24, h:33} ); window.setInterval( function(){pxg.nextFrame();}, 500 ); }());
var img_sources = [ "js/pixelgrid/sprites/gallery/1.jpg", "js/pixelgrid/sprites/gallery/2.jpg", "js/pixelgrid/sprites/gallery/3.jpg", "js/pixelgrid/sprites/gallery/4.jpg", "js/pixelgrid/sprites/gallery/5.jpg", "js/pixelgrid/sprites/gallery/6.jpg", "js/pixelgrid/sprites/gallery/7.jpg", "js/pixelgrid/sprites/gallery/8.jpg"]; pxg_gallery = pixelgrid.createPixelGridImageGallery( img_sources, "pixelgrid_demo-gallery", {w:16, h:9} );
2015-01-24 13:50:48
Da Dum
This is just what i was looking for. I will try it on my website!
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